.. _central_esl_desc:
Sample description
.. contents::
:depth: 2
The Central ESL sample acts as Access Point(AP) defined in `Electronic Shelf Label Profile `_ which controls and manages numbers of ESL Tag.
It uses the library :ref:`esl_service_client_readme` to communicates with ESLs connectionlessly when one or more ESLs are in the Synchronized state.
.. include:: esl_experimental.txt
The sample supports the following development kits:
| Hardware platforms | PCA | Board name | Build target |
| nRF5340 DK | PCA10095 | nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp | ``nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp`` |
| Thingy:53 | PCA20053 | thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp | ``thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp`` |
The sample also requires another development kit running a compatible sample (see :ref:`peripheral_esl`).
In this sample, Nordic provides host interface architecture and full set of :ref:`central_esl_subcommands` to control the AP and auto onboarding feature.
.. figure:: /images/esl_ap_architecture.png
This Sample is an easy-to-use Serialized Access Point which can be used as a development platform to help customers test and develop ESL Tags (:ref:`peripheral_esl`).
Beside this, this sample can be used also in combination with more powerful hosts(e.g.: Linux PC) in order to develop/implement a full ESL AP application.
The AP provides serial connection to the HOST (PC/Linux) via USB interface (nRF USB β J3 connector on `nRF5340 DK`_; USB-C connector on `Nordic Thingy:53`_). Two virtual COMs are associated this the USB port:
* Shell command COM port (used for shell commands)
* SMP/mcumgr COM port (used for transfer images from PC to AP)
When booting up, the Access Point starts periodic advertising with response(PAwR) with predefined PAwR parameters.
At this point, the AP is ready to scan for new tags, connect / configure / synchronize new tags, send encrypted commands, receive encrypted responses (refer to ESL Service and ESL profile). All such functionalities are exposed via :ref:`central_esl_subcommands`. However, since this process may involve many decisions and many shell commands inputs, in order to make testing / developing process easier, this sample provides also a :ref:`auto onboarding ` feature.
.. _central_esl_auto_onboarding_and_auto_past:
Auto Onboarding and Auto PAST
Auto Onboarding feature , which associates Tags automatically to the AP, by continuously & automatically performing the following tasks in the background:
1. Scan for new unsynchronized ESL Tags(new ones or previously associated)
2. Connect and configure them one by one: e.g. read/write characteristics (including AP sync maetiral, ESL Address, etc), send pre-loaded images (i.e. images previously transferred from the PC to the AP)
.. note::
Max number of devices that can be handled by the automatic onboarding feature is depending on these Kconfig.
:kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_MAX_GROUP` (default **128**), :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID` (default **0**), :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_DEFAULT_ESL_ID` (default **0**), :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_ESL_AP_AUTO_TAG_PER_GROUP` (default **8**).
| With default configuration, Tags are added from Group **0** with increasing ESL_ID (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) until reaching 8th. Then, the next Tag will be added to Group **1** with ESL_ID **0**, and so on. For handling more devices, shell commands should be used.
.. note::
The AP will store information of associated ESL Tags into non-volatile database (external SPI flash) with :kconifg:option:`CONFIG_BT_ESL_TAG_STORAGE` enabled. This option is mandatory reruired for auto onboarding feature.
.. note::
During association, the AP sends images only to those tags that are running the EPD variant :ref:`peripheral_esl` sample (AP reads characteristics of the new associated tags, and only if it is recognized as specific tag type , it will transfer the image)
.. note::
You can observe the output log of auto onboarding process on the shell terminal. Here an example of successful onboarding of ESL Tag (ESL Peripheral without EPD):
.. code-block:: console
#TAG_SCANNED: 1,C9:AC:AD:A6:E5:79 (random) to list
#DISCOVERY: 1,0x00
#CONFIGURED: 1,0x0000,0x0001
Disconnected:Conn_idx:0x00 (reason 0x13)
Here an example of successful onboarding of ESL Tag (ESL Peripheral with EPD variant):
.. code-block:: console
#TAG_SCANNED: 1,C9:AC:AD:A6:E5:79 (random) to list
#DISCOVERY: 1,0x00
#CONFIGURED: 1,0x0000,0x0001
Disconnected:Conn_idx:0x00 (reason 0x13)
0000 Is the ESL Address in hexadecimal, where two MSB are the Group ID, and two LSB are ESL ID.
3. Sends PAST info to unsynchronized ESL Tag
.. note::
The ESL client provides :ref:`auto PAST ` feature. If a previously associated Tag is scanned (i.e. if ESL Tag is in database), Access Point will connect using the previously stored Bluetooth bonding information and then configure the tag accordingly to previous settings stored in the database (note: EPD images will not transferred in this case β EPD images are transferred only the first time tag gets associated to the AP, if images are available in the AP).
Access Point then will send PAST automatically.
.. note::
if a previously associated tag is reset (i.e. it has erased also the bonding information with the AP), the AP will not be able to connect to that tag (because it will try to connect with the old bonding keys in the AP database).
Erase the AP database by using **Button 2** to clear all content of database or shell command to clear specified Tag to start the process again.
Once tags are onboarded and synchronized to the AP, commands can be sent/received using the :ref:`central_esl_user_interface` (either using the DK buttons features in the DK and/or the :ref:`central_esl_subcommands` by shell commands ).
Auto onboarding feature should be used only for testing/development or as a starting point for more complex applications. For production (ESL AP), shell commend is recommended.
.. _central_esl_user_interface:
User interface
This sample provides two ways to control the AP. One is through buttons on the development kit, the other is through shell commands.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: DK button feature
Such User Interface takes advantage of the Auto Onboarding feature
Button 1:
Press to start Auto onboarding AP feature.
1. AP scan and connect unsynchonrized ESL Tag.
2. AP configure unsynchronized ESL Tag.
3. AP send image file to unsynchronized ESL Tag.
4. AP send PAST info to unsynchronized ESL Tag.
Button 2: (only on `nRF5340 DK`_, not available on the `Nordic Thingy:53`_)
Erase the database of associated ESL Tags which is used by :ref:`central_esl_auto_onboarding_and_auto_past` from the AP.
.. note::
If you push this button, you should also push **Button 1** on the ESL Tag as well to reset the ESL Tag.
This procedure will not erase the EPD images stored in the AP (if any transferred).
Button 3: (only on `nRF5340 DK`_, not available on the `Nordic Thingy:53`_)
Change Image on the ESL Tag display.
By pressing this button, AP sends a :ref:`predefined_esl_packet` to a specific group.
Commands rotate at each press of the button, in the following order, starting from Group :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID` (Default **0**) to Group 2 :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_ESL_AP_GROUP_PER_BUTTON` (Default **3**)
e.g.:0x7 (display 0 image 0 broadcast) is sent to Group 0
0x8 (Display 0 image 1 broadcast) is sent to Group 0
0x12 (Tag default ESL_ID ~ ESL_ID+10 Display Img 0) is sent to Group 0
0x13 (Tag default ESL_ID ~ ESL_ID+10 Display img 1) is sent to Group 0
0x7 (display 0 image 0 broadcast) is sent to Group 1 and so on, until reaching Group :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_ESL_AP_GROUP_PER_BUTTON` (Default **3**) then turning back :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID` (Default **0**)
Button 4: (only on `nRF5340 DK`_, not available on the `Nordic Thingy:53`_)
Flash ESL Tag LED in predefined pattern.
By pressing this button, AP sends a predefined :ref:`predefined_esl_packet` to a specific group.
Commands rotate at each press of the button, in the following order, starting from Group :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID` (Default **0**) to Group :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_ESL_AP_GROUP_PER_BUTTON` (Default **3**)
.. note::
Button 3 and 4 will continually send ESL command through PAwR and cycles from group ``0`` to :ref:`CONFIG_BT_ESL_AP_GROUP_PER_BUTTON `
LED 1:
Stable on means AP is booted-up.
Start blinking, signaling the Auto Onboarding feature on the AP is activate: AP is scanning for ESL tags, connecting one by one to them, configuring them and transferring synchronization (PAST).
.. group-tab:: Shell command
* Start scan continuously with command:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c scan 1 0
The sample shows the following output:
.. code-block:: console
#TAG_SCANNED: 1,XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (random) to list
* Connect ESL Tag to connection index 0 with command:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c acl connect 0
The sample shows the following output to indicate that connection and service discovery is succeed:
.. code-block:: console
#DISCOVERY: 1,0x00
* Optionally, AP can connect Tag by knowing BLE address out-of-band without scanning:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c acl connect_addr 0 AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
* Configure ESL Tag to esl address ``0x0101`` with command:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c acl configure 0 0101
The sample shows the following output to indicate that ESL Tag has been configured and update complete OP code sent:
.. code-block:: console
Configure conn_idx 0 esl_addr 0x0101
CONFIGURED: 1,0x0000,0x0101
* Read information of connected Tag for further use with command:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c esl_c dump
The sample shows the following output:
.. code-block:: console
AP Sync Key
00000000: 6d 3a 14 4f f1 19 45 f7 4d 5e a8 50 75 45 b9 d2 |m:.O..E. M^.PuE..|
00000010: ff da 94 bd 8e 9b 33 61 |......3a |
00000000: 60 83 38 82 f6 |`.8.. |
Connected Tag counts 0
Tag 0
ESL handles: 0x002e 0x0030 0x0032 0x0034 0x0036 0x0038 0x003a 0x003c 0x003e 0x003f 0x0016
OTS client handles:
start_handle 0x0001
end_handle 0xffff
obj_feat 0x001b
obj_name 0x001d
obj_type 0x001f
obj_size 0x0021
obj_prop 0x0025
obj_created 0x0000
obj_modified 0x0000
obj_id 0x0023
obj_ocap 0x0027
obj_olcp 0x002a
BLE ADDR:C8:6D:40:1E:C2:AE (ra#ndom)
Sensor 0 Mesh property ID Sensor type: 0x0054
Sensor 1 vendor_specific_sensor Company ID: 0x1915 Sensor Code: 0x9487
led idx 0, type Mono color 0x0c:Green
led idx 1, type Mono color 0x0c:Green
led idx 2, type Mono color 0x0c:Green
led idx 3, type Mono color 0x0c:Green
PNPID:VID:0x1915, PID:0x5484
* Send image(optional) on AP index `0` to ESL Tag image index `0` connection `0` with command:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c obj_c write 0 0 0
* This command is equivalent to previous one. You can use filename without original pattern `ots_image_XX`
.. code-block:: console
esl_c obj_c write_filename 0 0 ots_image_00
The sample shows the following output indicate that image has been transferred:
.. code-block:: console
* After configured all data and sent all image, use periodic advertising sync transfer procedure to let ESL Tag entering synced with command:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c acl past 0
The sample shows the following output indicate that ESL received PAST and disconnect:
.. code-block:: console
Disconnected:Conn_idx:0x00 (reason 0x13)
* Ping ESL Tag of ESL address `0x0101` with PAwR by raw ESL payload:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c pawr push_sync_buf 1 0001
* Control LED 0 to flash to all ESL Tags of group `0` with PAwR with :ref:`predefined_esl_packet`:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c pawr update_pawr 1 0
* Turn LED 0 off to all ESL Tags of group `0` with PAwR with :ref:`predefined_esl_packet`:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c pawr update_pawr 4 0
* Display image 0 to all ESL Tags of group `1` with PAwR with :ref:`predefined_esl_packet`:
.. code-block:: console
esl_c pawr update_pawr 7 1
* See :ref:`central_esl_subcommands` for a list of available subcommands.
Setup - Transfer Images from PC to AP over USB
One of major task of Access Point is to provide images to ESL Tag in configuring and updating state.
Before activating auto onboarding (**Button 1**) or, anytime before sending images using `Object Transfer Service `_ via shell commands between AP and Tag, it is necessary to transfer the images from PC to the AP (in external flash) over USB.
`mcumgr_smp_protocol_specification `_ is used over the other COM port available over USB. Here example:
1. Install `Mcumgr Command-line Tool `_ tool
#. Prepare the images to be transferred. The image format is depending on what EPD and color depth your are using.
.. note::
Nordic provides two sample files that can be used with the :ref:`peripheral_esl` 2.13" EPD variant.
* EPD format: Use this format on Access Point :download:`esl_image_bt ` :download:`esl_image_nordic `
* BMP format: This format is only for reference :download:`esl_image_00_240x120_bt.BMP ` :download:`esl_image_01_240x120_nordic_logo.BMP `
Nordic provides two sample files that can be used with the :ref:`peripheral_esl` 4.2" EPD variant.
* EPD format: Use this format on Access Point :download:`esl_image_empower ` :download:`esl_image_mcu_block `
* BMP format: This format is only for reference :download:`esl_image_09_400x300_empower.BMP ` :download:`esl_image_0A_400x300_mcu_block.BMP `
3. Transfer images from the PC to the AP: run from cmd /command line
.. code-block:: console
mcumgr --conntype="serial" --connstring="COM4,baud=115200,mtu=512" fs upload esl_image_bt /ots_image/esl_image_00
mcumgr --conntype="serial" --connstring="COM4,baud=115200,mtu=512" fs upload esl_image_nordic /ots_image/esl_image_01
mcumgr --conntype="serial" --connstring="COM4,baud=115200,mtu=512" fs upload esl_image_empower /ots_image/esl_image_09
mcumgr --conntype="serial" --connstring="COM4,baud=115200,mtu=512" fs upload esl_image_mcu_block /ots_image/esl_image_0A
.. note::
Remember to change **COM4** to the right COM port in your PC.
Images are stored in external non-volatile flash.
Non-volatile external flash is kept even after reset of DK (power cycle), or after programming or after AP database erase (**Button 2**)
Once the images are in the AP, it is possible to transfer them to the tags at any time using shell commands, assuming the AP and Tag are in an ACL connection. Refer to :ref:`central_esl_subcommands` for this.
#. As an alternative, for demo purposes, Auto Onboarding feature can be used:
If auto onboarding is started after the transfer of image (i.e. a new Tag is associated for the first time after transferring the image to the AP and after pushing **Button 1**), the AP will transfer automatically these images to the ESL Tag DevKit with EPD shield, during the associating procedure.
.. _ap_sample_config_options:
Configuration options
Check and configure the following Kconfig options:
.. _bt_esl_ap_security_enabled:
This enables BT SMP and bonding which are security requirement of ESL Profile. Disable BLE security of the ESL service for debugging purposes.
.. _bt_esl_ap_auto_mode:
Enable auto onboarding feature. With this feature AP will scan and connect unsynchonrized ESL Tag, configure and send predefined image to unsynchronized ESL Tag, send PAST info to unsynchronized ESL Tag automatically.
This feature also stores response key material for all of associated ESL tags. The key material will be used to decrypt response EAD from ESL Tag when using predefined ESL packet.
.. note::
Auto onboarding feature is meant to be used for small scale testing and development purposes. For larger scale, :ref:`central_esl_subcommands` give more flexibility and control over the AP functionalities.
.. _bt_esl_ap_auto_tag_per_group:
How many tags should keep in same group for auto onboarding. Tag number exceeds this number should be in next group. Otherwise, response key material slot is not enough for all tags in same group.
How to choose this number depends on what scenario we want to show.
Less or equal to :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_MAX_RESPONSE_SLOT_BUFFER` demostrates decrypts response EAD on-the-fly.
Greater than :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_ESL_CLIENT_MAX_RESPONSE_SLOT_BUFFER` demostrates ESL AP able to control large amount of tags at the same time."
.. _bt_esl_ap_group_per_button:
**Button 3** and **Button 4** could be used as user interface. **Button 3** will send :ref:`predefined_esl_packet` to all tags in group `x` to change image on display. **Button 4** will send predefined command to all tags in group `x` to flash LED in predefined pattern.
This option defines how many groups should be used for this feature. For example, if this option is set to `2`, **Button 3** and **Button 4** will send :ref:`predefined_esl_packet` to all tags in group `0` and `1` alternatively.
.. _bt_esl_ap_auto_past_tag:
Enable auto PAST feature. With this feature AP will send PAST automatically if connected ESL Tag is in database.
.. note::
Auto PAST feature is meant to be used for small scale testing and development purposes. For larger scale, :ref:`central_esl_subcommands` give more flexibility and control over the AP functionalities.
.. _bt_esl_ap_pts:
Enable PTS feature. With this feature AP will send PTS command to connected ESL Tag. This feature is used for PTS test only.
.. _bt_esl_ap_auto_ping:
Enable auto ping feature. With this feature AP will send ping command to all grounp of ESL Tag periodically through PAwR. This feature is used to keep tags in synchronized state automatically.
Full ESL AP application should implement this feature to keep tags in synchronized state.
.. _bt_esl_ap_ping_interval:
Interval of auto PAwR ping command. This option is used when :ref:`bt_esl_ap_auto_ping` is enabled. Unit is second.
Building and running
.. |sample path| replace:: :file:`samples/central_esl`
To build the sample with Visual Studio Code, follow the steps listed on the `How to build an application`_ page in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension documentation. See `Building and programming an application ` for other building and programming scenarios and `Testing and debugging an application `_ for general information about testing and debugging in the nRF Connect SDK.
Testing with other DevKits
After programming the sample to your development kit, complete the following steps to test it:
1. Connect the computer to the connecter labeled **nRF USB** on DevKit or the USB connector on the Thingy:53 using a USB cable. Turn on the kit; the computer will assign to the kit two virtual COM ports (Windows) or ttyACM devices (Linux), which are visible in the Device Manager. One port is for :ref:`central_esl_subcommands`. The other port is for EPD image transfer (SMP protocol).
#. Connect to the kit that runs this sample with a terminal emulator (for example, PuTTY or the Serial Terminal in nRF Connect for Desktop). Connect with the following settings:
* Baud rate: 115200
* 8 data bits
* 1 stop bit
* No parity
* HW flow control: None
.. note::
To know if the right port is selected, enter new line and βESL_AP:~$β should show up.
3. Optionally, connect the RTT console to display debug messages.
#. Optionally (required for out of the box testing in combination ESL Tag sample with EPD), transfer the images from PC to the AP.
#. Test the sample either by by auto onboarding feature or using :ref:`central_esl_subcommands` manually as described in :ref:`central_esl_user_interface`.
This application uses the following nRF Connect SDK libraries:
* :ref:`esl_service_client_readme`
In addition, it uses the following Zephyr libraries:
* ``include/zephyr/types.h``
* ``boards/arm/nrf*/board.h``
* `Kernel Services `_
* ``include/kernel.h``
* `Bluetooth APIs `_:
* ``include/bluetooth/bluetooth.h``
* ``include/bluetooth/gatt.h``
* ``include/bluetooth/hci.h``
* ``include/bluetooth/uuid.h``