.. _samples_240:


The following samples showcase the ESL profile and service API usage on the Nordic's boards:

* :ref:`central_esl_240`
* :ref:`peripheral_esl_240`

.. note::
    To test ESL functionality, both samples must be used in pparallel: on one DevKit (e.g. `nRF52833 DK`_) run the :ref:`peripheral_esl`, while on another DevKit (e.g. `nRF5340 DK`_) run the :ref:`central_esl`.

In the `ESL repository`_, all samples are placed in the ``samples`` directory.

.. _ESL repository: https://github.com/NordicPlayground/nrf-esl-bluetooth.git

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
   :caption: Subpages: